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Repetative Transcranial Stimulation (rTMS) and Trans Cranial Driect Current Stimulation (tDCS)

  • Baruth, J., Casanova, M., El-Baz, A., Horrell, T., Mathai, G., Sears, L. & Sokhadze, E. (2010). Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates evoked-gamma frequency oscillations in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurotherapy, 14(3), 179–194.

  • Thomasson, F. & Arns, M. (2010) Are the effects of rTMS in Parkinson's disease clinically relevant? Journal of Neurotherapy, 14(2), 96–101.

  • Richardson, J., Fillmore, P., Datta, A., Truong, D., Bikson, M., Fridriksson, J. (2014). Toward Development of Sham Protocols for High-Definition Trans-Cranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tCDS). Journal of NeuroRegulation, 1(1) 62-72.

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